
Tuesday 3 May 2011

Odd Della Robbia Quotes

''Laser Arrow! Everytime he fights on Lyoko
I'm so hungry! In Tidal wave
Bloks, my favorite monster in Girl Of The Dreams
Huh, you're making progress Ulrich, but those thing-a-mi-jigs are blocks and they don't look too friendly! In Crash course
Well, I guess it's up to me to UN-block the situation." In Crash Course
Well, it's better then nothing, but there's another were supposed to send it to me,not to them, dummy!" Odd to Ulrich In Crash course
"Relax, I'm a computer whiz. You know that." To Yumi in Crash Course
"Listen, if I don't get something to eat right away,there's no telling what I might do." Odd in Tidal Wave
"You selfish hog!" Odd to his clone in Triple Trouble
"Hello little Krab Cakes" Odd to the Krabs
"Time to unblok the situation!"
"Ahh, Rosa,you look beautiful today! Did you ever think about becoming like-like a model or something?" Odd to the Lunch Lady Rosa in Triple Trouble
"You didn't think I'd let you down,did ya?" To Yumi in Double Take
"I...I...fooled you that time,didn't I?" To Jeremie in Triple Trouble
"Hey, have you gone bananas? Your eyesight's not great, but your hearing's worse!" To Jeremie in Saint Valentine's Day
"I don't believe this! You flip out even if Kiwi looks at Yumi!" To Ulrich in The Pretender
" Judging by the tempature, I'd say we're in Siberia!" To Yumi In Ultanium
"It's pretty...scary." To Jeremie in Marabounta, concerning the Marabounta
"Would you like to climb onboard to my humble ... board?" To Aelita in a episode

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