Taking place during the continuity of the fourth season, Yumi and her friends are at a Subdigitals concert. The band had just finished a song when Chris announces the three winners: Yumi, Sissi, and a girl named Fleur.
The next morning, the three girls come onto the stage for a dance contest. Fleur tries her best at it. After her, Yumi's turn comes up. Her dance moves almost represent some Lyoko experience, as it was graceful. Sissi, obviously jealous, bumps into a background that has a paint can on top of it! The paint can wobbles and drops near where Yumi is dancing. Fleur tells Yumi to watch out, and Yumi manages to dodge the falling can of blue paint.
Yumi directs her attention to Sissi and calls her "a total nutcase," touching her in the process. Sissi calls for disqualification for Yumi. And Chris tells Sissi that she won and her partner would be Jim of all people, where she immediately disagrees when the video shoot begins. He comes out dressed in his disco suit. Yumi and Fleur laugh as one of them has a camera-phone and is taking photos of it.