In Season 4, Yumi appears to have developed her telekinesis more as she can use it without keeping her fingers on her temples and is more relaxed when using it, this could however have been accompolished during the Digital Enhancements as Jeremie has been known to create, delete or possibly strengthen Lyoko Powers as shown in "Triple Trouble".
Tuesday, 21 June 2011
Telekinesis is one of Yumi's Lyoko powers. It requires a lot of concentration, but allows her to move objects with her mind. She usually pushes against the temples of her head and closes her eyes when she does so. It can be seen in takes a lot out of her, as she can only do it simultaneously for about two minutes. In the original pilot, Garage Kids, Yumi could do this in the real world, but that plot device was changed.
In Season 4, Yumi appears to have developed her telekinesis more as she can use it without keeping her fingers on her temples and is more relaxed when using it, this could however have been accompolished during the Digital Enhancements as Jeremie has been known to create, delete or possibly strengthen Lyoko Powers as shown in "Triple Trouble".