These monsters are extremely stupid in a 'Three Stooges' kind of way, as seen on many occasions. Examples would be when two of them were sliding down an ice slide pursuing Aelita in the Ice Barrier Sector, one of which was spinning rapidly in circles shooting wildly, and ended up shooting its partner. On another occasion, one chased Aelita as she was running to deactivate a tower. When she finally made it to the tower, the Kankrelat tried to get in after her, ran into it, and fell over. It ended up on its side, scurrying around in a circle in a mad attempt to right itself. These monsters were less comedic in the first season, but became more of a gag as the series progressed.
Tuesday, 21 June 2011
These monsters are extremely stupid in a 'Three Stooges' kind of way, as seen on many occasions. Examples would be when two of them were sliding down an ice slide pursuing Aelita in the Ice Barrier Sector, one of which was spinning rapidly in circles shooting wildly, and ended up shooting its partner. On another occasion, one chased Aelita as she was running to deactivate a tower. When she finally made it to the tower, the Kankrelat tried to get in after her, ran into it, and fell over. It ended up on its side, scurrying around in a circle in a mad attempt to right itself. These monsters were less comedic in the first season, but became more of a gag as the series progressed.