Tamiya is a member of the seventh grade, is eleven years old, and, like most girls her age at the school, has a crush on Ulrich. She shares a dorm with Milly, and is very sensitive like her as well. She is not very good at reporting news, which Milly often scolds her for, but she is usually more strong-willed then her best friend. An example of this is in Cold Sweat when Tamiya hinted to Yumi the person who gave her Yumi's secret photo to use in the Kadic newspaper. Tamiya also has a knack for understanding the latest fashion and talks to her mom about it a lot. She also has a dislike for Sissi and her gang, who view Tamiya and Milly as "little twerps with no lives". Jim, too, even dislikes her because he grounded both her and Milly to their room in
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