
Sunday, 1 May 2011

Nicholas Poliakoff

Nicholas Poliakoff is a jerk. He is a eighth grader at Kadic. He is a member of Sissi's Gang, and mostly just stands there staring into space. He is the stereotypical dumb muscle kind of bully, and has an extremely strange sense of humor. Nicholas is Herb's best friend, and therefore usually agrees with him in arguments and follows his lead. It is still unknown why exactly Nicholas joined Sissi's Gang, but probably due to the fact Herb did. Nicholas also has a crush on Aelita, but is too stupid to do anything about it. However, it is possible that Nicholas also has feelings for Sissi, perhaps the motivation to join Sissi's Gang. He can play the drums, and is in the Pop Rock Progressives, a band started by Odd. As a result, he is certainly more tolerant and kinder toward Team Lyoko than Herb and Sissi are.
Nicholas's new appearance
King Sweaterhead
In Attack of the Zombies, it is revealed that Nicholas watches too many horror movies, and therefore has a good picture of zombie motives and weaknesses. Ironically, he even became a zombie himself. In some episodes, it is shown he has at least some degree of intelligence, as he wrote the play in Laughing Fit. Nicholas is also easy to scare, as with Herb.
it is also shown in Replika that Nicholas likes to go fishing and is apparently more "patent" than Herb. He says that it is breath taking and exciting to catch a fish, Herb is not interested in fishing, though he stays with Nicholas through the short fishing trip.
Nick is voiced by Matthew Geczy.

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